With so much to do at tax payers' expense, it is important stay organized
and on track with your project management. From Planning & Development
to Public Works, CityVerse enables you to handle many types of projects by
allowing you to define the details you want to track and on which you need
to report.
With our Dynamic Data Structure you can create new fields and processes so
that you are never confined to a preset structure. You can create an unlimited
amount of Process Types which allows you to tailor your data collection and
tracking to the needs of each specific project.
After Process Types are created you can associate them with specific Projects.
Each project specified will then inherit the properties and details that you need
for efficient and effective project management.
With CityVerse, each department defines the parameters it needs to complete a project.
Because it is a web-based program, CityVerse brings everyone together as if they were
all working in the same room. After your initial set-up, when you authorize which
employees and/or contractors will have permission to access data, they will be able to
to view or input the most current project information using the Internet.